The kingdom of the dead was ruled by one of the twelve great
Olympians, Hades or Pluto, and his Queen, Persephone. It is often called by his
name, Hades. It lies, the Iliad says, beneath the
secret places of the earth. In the Odyssey, the way to
it leads over the edge of the world across Ocean. In later poets there are
various entrances to it from the earth through caverns and beside deep
Tartarus and Erebus are sometimes two divisions of the
underworld, Tartarus the deeper of the two, the prison of the Sons of Earth;
Erebus where the dead pass as soon as they die. Often, however, there is no
distinction between the two, and either is used, especially Tartarus, as a name
for the entire lower region.
In Homer the underworld is vague, a shadowy place inhabited by
shadows. Nothing is real there. The ghosts’ existence, if it can be called that,
is like a miserable dream. The later poets define the world of the dead more and
more clearly as the place where the wicked are punished and the good rewarded.
In the Roman poet Virgil this idea is presented in great
detail as in no Greek poet. All the torments of the one class and the joys of
the other are described at length. Virgil too is the only poet who gives clearly
the geography of the underworld. The path down to it leads to where Acheron, the
river of woe, pours into Cocytus, the river of lamentation. An aged boatman
named Charon ferries the souls of the dead across the water to the farther bank,
where stands the adamantine gate to Tartarus (the name Virgil prefers). Charon
will receive into his boat only the souls of those upon whose lips the passage
money was placed when they died and who were duly buried.
On guard before the gate sits CERBERUS, the three-headed,
dragon-tailed dog, who permits all spirits to enter, but none to return. On his
arrival each one is brought before three judges, Rhadamanthus, Minos, and
Aeacus, who pass sentence and send the wicked to everlasting torment and the
good to a place of blessedness called the Elysian Fields.
Three other rivers, besides Acheron and Cocytus, separate the
underworld from the world above: Phlegethon, the river of fire; Styx, the river
of the unbreakable oath by which the gods swear; and Lethe, the river of
Somewhere in this vast region is Pluto’s palace, but beyond
saying that it is many-gated and crowded with innumerable guests, no writer
describes it. Around it are wide wastes, wan and cold, and meadows of asphodel,
presumably strange, pallid, ghostly flowers. We do not know anything more about
it. The poets did not care to linger in that gloom-hidden abode.
THE ERINYES (the FURIES) are placed by Virgil in the
underworld, where they punish evildoers. The Greek poets thought of them chiefly
as pursuing sinners on the earth. They were inexorable, but just. Heraclitus
says, “Not even the sun will transgress his orbit but the Erinyes, the ministers
of justice, overtake him.” They were usually represented as three: Tisiphone,
Megaera and Alecto.
SLEEP, and DEATH, his brother, dwelt in the lower world.
Dreams too ascended from there to men. They passed through two gates, one of
horn through which true dreams went, one of ivory for false dreams.
Earth herself was called the All-Mother, but she was not
really a divinity. She was never separated from the actual earth and
personified. The Goddess of the Corn, DEMETER (CERES), a daughter of Cronus and
Rhea, and the God of the Vine, DIONYSUS, also called BACCHUS, were the supreme
deities of the earth and of great importance in Greek and Roman mythology. Their
stories will be found in the next chapter. The other divinities who lived in the
world were comparatively unimportant.
PAN was the chief. He was Hermes’ son; a noisy, merry god,
the Homeric Hymn in his honor calls him; but he was part animal too, with a
goat’s horns, and goat’s hoofs instead of feet. He was the goatherds’ god, and
the shepherds’ god, and also the gay companion of the woodland nymphs when they
danced. All wild places were his home, thickets and forests and mountains, but
best of all he loved Arcady, where he was born. He was a wonderful musician.
Upon his pipes of reed he played melodies as sweet as the
nightingale’s song. He was always in love with one nymph or another, but always
rejected because of his ugliness.
Sounds heard in a wilderness at night by the trembling
traveler were supposed to be made by him, so that it is easy to see how the
expression “panic” fear arose.
SILENUS was sometimes said to be Pan’s son; sometimes his
brother, a son of Hermes. He was a jovial fat old man who usually rode an ass
because he was too drunk to walk. He is associated with Bacchus as well as with
Pan; he taught him when the Wine-god was young, and, as is shown by his
perpetual drunkenness, after being his tutor he became his devoted follower.
Besides these gods of the earth there was a very famous and
very popular pair of brothers, CASTOR and POLLUX (Polydeuces), who in most of
the accounts were said to live half of their time on earth and half in
They were the sons of LEDA, and are usually represented as
being gods, the special protectors of sailors,
Saviors of swift-going ships when the storm winds rage
Over the ruthless sea.
They were also powerful to save in battle. They were
especially honored in Rome, where they were worshiped as
The great Twin Brethren to whom all Dorians pray.
But the accounts of them are contradictory. Sometimes Pollux
alone is held to be divine, and Castor a mortal who won a
kind of half-and-half immortality merely because of his brother’s love.
LEDA was the wife of King Tyndareus of Sparta, and the usual
story is that she bore two mortal children to him, Castor and Clytemnestra,
Agamemnon’s wife; and to Zeus, who visited her in the form of a swan, two others
who were immortal, Pollux and Helen, the heroine of Troy. Nevertheless, both
brothers, Castor and Pollux, were often called “sons of Zeus”; indeed, the Greek
name they are best known by, the Dioscouri, means “the
striplings of Zeus.” On the other hand, they were also called “sons of
Tyndareus,” the Tyndaridae.
They are always represented as living just before the Trojan
War, at the same time as Theseus and Jason and Atalanta. They took part in the
Calydonian boar-hunt; they went on the Quest of the Golden Fleece; and they
rescued Helen when Theseus carried her off. But in all the stories they play an
unimportant part except in the account of Castor’s death, when Pollux proved his
brotherly devotion.
The two went, we are not told why, to the land of some cattle
owners, Idas and Lynceus. There, Pindar says, Idas, made angry in some way about
his oxen, stabbed and killed Castor. Other writers say the cause of the dispute
was the two daughters of the king of the country, Leucippus. Pollux stabbed
Lynceus, and Zeus struck Idas with his thunderbolt. But Castor was dead and
Pollux was inconsolable. He prayed to die also, and Zeus in pity allowed him to
share his life with his brother, to live,
Half of thy time beneath the earth and half
Within the golden homes of heaven.
According to this version the two were never separated again.
One day they dwelt in Hades, the next in Olympus, always together.
The late Greek writer Lucian gives another version, in which
their dwelling places are heaven and earth; and when Pollux goes to one, Castor
goes to the other, so that they are never with each other. In Lucian’s little
satire, Apollo asks Hermes: “I say, why do we never see Castor and Pollux at the
same time?”
“Well,” Hermes replies, “they are so fond of each other that
when fate decreed one of them must die and only one be immortal, they decided to
share immortality between them.”
“Not very wise, Hermes. What proper employment can they engage
in, that way? I foretell the future; Aesculapius cures diseases; you are a good
messenger—but these two—are they to idle away their whole time?”
“No, surely. They’re in Poseidon’s service. Their business is
to save any ship in distress.”
“Ah, now you say something. I’m delighted they’re in such a
good business.”
Two stars were supposed to be theirs: the Gemini, the
They were always represented as riding splendid snow-white
horses, but Homer distinguishes Castor above Pollux for horsemanship. He calls
the two
Castor, tamer of horses, Polydeuces, good as a boxer.
THE SILENI were creatures part man and part horse. They
walked on two legs, not four, but they often had horses’ hoofs instead of feet,
sometimes horses’ ears, and always horses’ tails. There
are no stories about them, but they are often seen on Greek vases.
THE SATYRS, like Pan, were goat-men, and like him they had
their home in the wild places of the earth.
In contrast to these unhuman, ugly gods the goddesses of the
woodland were all lovely maiden forms, the OREADS, nymphs of the mountains, and
the DRYADS, sometimes called HAMADRYADS, nymphs of trees, whose life was in each
case bound up with that of her tree.
AEOLUS, King of the Winds, also lived on the earth. An
island, Aeolia, was his home. Accurately he was only regent of the Winds,
viceroy of the gods. The four chief Winds were BOREAS, the North Wind, in Latin
AQUILO; ZEPHYR, the West Wind, which had a second Latin name, FAVONIUS; NOTUS,
the South Wind, also called in Latin AUSTER; and the East Wind, EURUS, the same
in both Greek and Latin.
There were some beings, neither human nor divine, who had
their home on the earth. Prominent among them were:—
THE CENTAURS. They were half man, half horse, and for the
most part they were savage creatures, more like beasts than men. One of them,
however, CHIRON, was known everywhere for his goodness and his wisdom.
THE GORGONS were also earth-dwellers. There were three, and
two of them were immortal. They were dragonlike creatures with wings, whose look
turned men to stone. Phorcys, son of the Sea and the Earth, was their
THE GRAIAE were their sisters, three gray women who had but
one eye between them. They lived on the farther bank of Ocean.
THE SIRENS lived on an island in the Sea. They had enchanting
voices and their singing lured sailors to their death. It was not known what
they looked like, for no one who saw them ever returned.
Very important but assigned to no abode whether in heaven or
on the earth were THE FATES, Moirae in Greek, Parcae in Latin, who, Hesiod says, give to men at birth evil
and good to have. They were three, Clotho, the Spinner, who spun the thread of
life; Lachesis, the Disposer of Lots, who assigned to each man his destiny;
Atropos, she who could not be turned, who carried “the abhorrèd shears” and cut
the thread at death.
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